So, after finally getting moved into my new apartment, Im just getting the lights and whatever else set up now.Nice fast internet connection, good lights...Now we just need the regulars!I have some goals set too, like getting professional photographs done, going ahead and getting better and better equipment for my home studio, and being able to get some savings happening too!Look forward to seeing you!
Every danged time I've tried to get going this week, something on my end has failed!Im calling it for right now, and postponing today until a little later.AudioInternet connectionlightsToo much noise from outsidePhone calls...No matter what, its been something over and over!Ill be back at 5pm pst, 8pm est today (friday the 18th)and hopefully everything will just... worksmh..??
Today I learned that the wifi in this apartment does not allow for a shower broadcast.I'm disappointed, and I'm sure the 120 of you that tuned i right away were too.Well, next time! I will plan, and I will move the modem.Good thinkin, huh?Be seeing you!??
It was my first shift last night.I mean, ive done it before, little bits here and there, but that was the first time I went for engagement rather than just self indulgence.It was a lot more fun than I was expecting!I got to meet a bunch of new people, I make a couple new friends...I was a little surprised by how easily i got frustrated with myself during set up, but as soon as the camera was on and the stream live, I felt pretty good.tonight, unfortunately, Ive got some server admin to take care of... rather dull stuff...Has anyone ever tried to stream sys-admin?I wonder if that would work....ah, probably not.TTYL-A Foxter ??
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