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im your wet dream :P
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About Animal

Nov 14th @ 1:34am EST

To produce kilograms of honey, a bee must fly around 2-4 million flowers. To receive 1 kg of honey, bees must fly around 2�"4 million flowers and bring 120�"150 thousand burdens to the hive, each 40-50 mg of nectar, but the longer it flies after it, the less it brings to the hive; 70% of nectar is consumed per 3 km of flight, it &'burns out&' in the bee&'s body, compensating for the energy resources spent by it; this is why it is customary to place bees in close proximity to honey plants.Feeding a baby is not an easy thing for whales. After 10-12 months, small whales up to a third of an adult whale appear in the womb (up to 10 meters in the case of the Blue whale). A mother spills milk into the mouth of a calf with muscles, which holds tight to the nipple (yes, whales have them). The fat content of whale milk is about 50%, which is 10 times higher than the fat content of human milk. Accordingly, the cubs grow up gaining up to 90 kilograms per day.Pigeons can fly thousands of kilometers and at the same time get exactly where they were headed. A polar tern flies more than 40,200 kilometers per year. Many birds use ferromagnets built into them by their wise nature to orient themselves along the Earth's magnetic fields. But a 2006 study showed that pigeons also remember conspicuous features on the ground and are guided by them.Recent studies have shown that moles, oddly enough, have quite sharp, albeit limited, vision. And most often they don&'t like what they see, since the penetration of light usually means that a predator has crept into the hole. So the expression &'blind as a mole&' has nothing to do with reality.The eyes of the lizards are equipped with orange glasses, as in the retina there are a lot of drops of fat, colored in orange. That's where, it turns out, the filters in these animals. So, lizards do not see the world like we do. And not just lizards. To many birds it seems green to what we see in red.When the Europeans first saw the giraffe, they called it "camelopard", deciding that it was a hybrid of a camel and a leopard. The first giraffe was brought to Europe by Guy Julius Caesar in 46 BC. e. . In modern times, the first giraffe brought in 1827 was an animal named Zaraf, who gave the species its name.The weight of an ostrich egg can reach 1.5 kg.During the First World War, one of the South African monkeys received a medal and was even awarded the military rank of corporal.Snakes can sleep 3 years in a row without eating anything.Rats appeared on Earth 48 million years earlier than humans.On Earth, there are about 400 breeds of domestic dogs.Dolphins sleep with one eye open.In moth butterflies, caterpillars live in water and gnaw aquatic plants.The animal with the largest brain in relation to the body is the ant.About 70 percent of the living things on Earth are bacteria.In their youth, Black Sea perches are mostly girls, but by the age of 5 they have radically changed their gender!The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees.The zoo in Tokyo closes for 2 months every year so that animals can relax from visitors.Anteaters prefer not to eat ants, but termites.

Guys ! This is my new dream. I want to visit this place. Antelope canyon, United States

Nov 12th @ 8:03pm EST

Thanks to the bizarre shape of the rocks and soft lighting, Antelope canyon is a favorite place for photographers. It got its name because of the unusual color of striped rocks, they somewhat resemble the color of an antelope. You can visit the canyon only with a guide and only not in the rainy season: at this time there is a great danger of flooding.

Ball busting fetish

Nov 12th @ 6:17pm EST

You could see this in porn. Perhaps you think this is just a game of two actors who promised extra bucks for being hit in the balls.But the fact is that this refers to the type of BDSM and there is some pleasure for the guyuhhhh who want that i do it? xx

Be sure to visit this place !!! The hotel de Glace, Canada

Nov 12th @ 1:10am EST

You may have heard of the famous ice hotel in Quebec. It is considered to be one of the most romantic places on the planet, so hundreds (if not thousands) of couples come here every year to marry. It is entirely made of 20 tons of snow and ice. Every year in December it begins to rebuild in early January to receive the first guests. Which, by the way, before check-in instruct how not to get frostbite during your stay at the hotel.

About Space

Nov 11th @ 4:33am EST

The first man on Lyne was from the United States and called him Neil Armstrong.Armstrong&'s first trace is still on Lune.All traces and imprints of the lonely run will remain on the surface of the Luna forever, since there is no air at all, and this also means the wind. Although, theoretically, all this can disappear due to a meteorite rain or any other bombardy object.Tides and tides on our planet are formed thanks to the gravitation of the Sun and the Moon.NASA's research satellite (LCROSS) found evidence of a large volume of water on the Lyne.The second man on the moon was Bazz Aldrin.It is interesting that my mother, Bazza Aldrin, was called "Lyna."Our Moon moves from the Earth to 4 cm a year.Our Moon&'s age is around 4.5 billion years.February 1865 and 1999 were the only months when the full Moon was not observed.The mass of Luna is 1/80 of the mass of the Earth.Light is required for 1.3 seconds to overcome the distance from the Earth to the Earth.Mars and the EarthThe highest mountain known as Olympus Mons is located on Mars. The height of the top reaches 25 km, which is approximately 3 times higher than Everest.Mars enjoys a much lower gravitational field, so a person weighing 100 kg on the Earth will only weigh 38 kg on the surface of Mars.In Martian days 24 hours 39 minutes and 35 seconds.Jupiter and part of his satellitesCalculations are available in 67 satellites and Jupiter, but so far only 57 of them have been identified and named.4 planets of the Solar system are the gas giants: Jupiter, Nepthyn, Satyrn and Uranus.Planet, which is more than just satellites, is Jupiter with 67 satellites.Jupiter is also known as a dump for the entire Solar system (or Earth shield), so as a large percentage of asteroids are attracted by its gravitational force.Satyrn and his ringSaturn is the second size after Jupiter is in our plan.If you rode at a speed of 121 km per hour, then you would have needed 258 days to ride one of the rings of Saturn.Enceladus is one of the smallest satellites of Saturn. This satellite reflects up to 90% of the solar light, which even passes the percentage of reflection of the light from the snow!Although Saturn is only the second by mass of the planet, it is the first by brightness!So Saturn has a low density, so if you dive it in the water, then it will float!

How to attract a man?(writing not by me)

Nov 8th @ 12:59am EST

Curvy forms, barely covered with clothes, playful or languid look, a thin cigarette in bright, plump lips, catchy jewelry... such girls have not been seen for a long time: only in social networks there are thousands of them, and what can we say about real life? Fortunately, vulgarity has not become fashionable and familiar. And it is worth noting that not all men like such dressed up and painted Barbie dolls. It has long been proven that most men are disgusted with such ostentatious "attractiveness", or sometimes can interest them only once, when there are no better options. Let's try to understand whether this vulgarity is so necessary to attract a man?Indeed, in our time, this problem is very relevant. I myself have often seen too candid photos of girls. The swagger was not so much in the naked body as in the look, the pose, the expression, the antics. And in General, the whole image as a whole did not cause admiration, but only provoked lust.So how to be attractive without looking vulgar and vulgar?First you need to answer the question: what is all this masquerade? Who needs geeky outfits and a bright make-up? I, as a woman, can say that in this form it is inconvenient to walk even physically, not to mention what opinion you can create about yourself. I immediately remember the words from the song:"In this vulgar attire - what am I good for? Only unless on execution of a Striptease".

About icecream

Nov 7th @ 3:40am EST

1. The most popular ice cream is vanilla. Invented vanilla ice cream French culinary Gerard Tiersen back in 1649. In second place is cream, then chocolate and strawberry.2. The waffle cones in which the ice cream is placed were invented in 1904 during the World Exposition in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. It is worth noting that until 1896, ice cream was eaten in saucers or sockets.3. Nevertheless, the idea of &'&'an ice cream cone was patented for the year of the World Exhibition, in 1903, and its author was an Italian who lived in New York. The exhibition only made this idea very popular.4. The Italians Mirco Della Vecchia (Mirco Della Vecchia), together with Andrea Andrighetti (Andrea Andrighetti) created the largest waffle cone for ice cream in the world. The height of the cone was 2.81 meters.5. A cow can produce so much milk in its entire life that 34,000 liters of ice cream can be made from it.6. Continental Europe first met ice cream in the 13th century, when Marco Polo returned to Italy and talked about his trip to China.7. Most ice cream is made in the USA.8. Historians say that Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) loved to eat snow with nectar and honey.9. According to market analysts, ice cream sales increase significantly during economic crises and wars.10. The most popular topping is chocolate syrup.11. There are over 700 flavors of ice cream in the world. For example, in a cafe called "Coromoto", which is located in the city of Merida, Venezuela, you can find and try the most unexpected tastes.12. The ice cream stick was invented back in 1905 by the 11-year-old Frank Epperson.

Rocky Road Cakes (Australia)

Nov 5th @ 7:27pm EST

Rocky Road is an Australian dessert made from milk chocolate, marshmallows and served as cakes or cupcakes. In the USA it is usually served with ice cream.


Nov 4th @ 10:02pm EST

Guatemala has long been known for its extremely high crime rate, but this is not the only reason this Central American country was on our list of the most dangerous places on the planet. Guatemala's geographic location and terrain makes it extremely vulnerable to at least three natural disasters: earthquakes, hurricanes and landslides. For example, in 1976, an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 about 23,000 people.

The spatial relativity of Galileo

Oct 30th @ 2:48am EDT

How do You know that the bus you take to work is actually moving? What if you sit in the only stationary object in the known universe and everything else, including the road, moves? The truth is that there is no way to prove what moves relative to what. For You, the person outside the window will be static because Your view system is a bus. For a person looking from the sidewalk, however, both You and the bus will move because its view system is the ground.


Oct 19th @ 11:57pm EDT

Top 7 Interesting Facts About Blondes1. It is believed that the first blonde in ancient Greek history was the goddess of love Aphrodite. And if you take Ancient Rome, light hair color was considered a sign of licentiousness and frivolity. Surely from here the fame about blondes went, which has entrenched in the modern world.2. Every year, the gene for blondes disappears. Scientists managed to find out that in 2202 he would not be at all. The fact is that the planet does not forget about the blond inhabitants, it is necessary to create a pair of blondes and not mix your gene with another - dark.3. Blond can be not only a person, but also an animal. Their number is much less than the same counterparts and they are all listed in the Red Book. For example, white tigers, which, to their unusual coat color, also have blue eyes. Everything is exactly like people&'s.4. Scientists have found out an interesting fact about blondes, it turns out that they have much thicker and faster hair growth than brunettes. But there is scientific evidence for this fact. It is known that white skin produces little pigment melanin compared to dark. To protect the scalp from sunburn, blondes have more hair. Everything is very simple!5. The legislator of the cult of blondes, in truth, can be called Marilyn Monroe. Many men were ready to fall at her feet, only the beauty was with them.6. The fact that blondes are stupid needs to be destroyed long ago. This is nothing more than a simple stereotype. Every woman can pretend to be stupid, if it is in her interests. You need to believe the statistics, which says that blondes occupy leading positions more than others and do their job well.Therefore, sometimes jokes and jokes about beautiful female representatives are inappropriate.


Oct 18th @ 5:56pm EDT

The majestic structure that adorned the temple of Zeus at Olympia. The Greeks themselves considered unfortunate those who had never seen the statue of the supreme god. After the ban on the Olympic Games, thieves simply looted the temple, simultaneously breaking all the sculptural masterpieces that adorned it.


Oct 16th @ 12:26am EDT

Try not to wake me'Cause of you, I'm lying awake at nightBut I'm seeing our pictures of youAs I close my eyes I fade my wayInto the last of my dream worldIt's a place of trustWould you meet me thereThere's no time to spareCome and show me you careThat you're believing that here we can winAll of my dreams, are all I seeTry not to wake me, can't you seeAll of my dreams, are all I wanna seeTry not to wake me, try not to wake meTry not to wake me'Cause of you, my tries to not think of youThey just end up in one million thoughtsIt's way too much to mentionSee what I mean when you see my creationIt's a place of trustI can meet you thereThere's no time to spareCome and show me you careThat you're believing that here we can winAll of my dreams are all I seeTry not to wake me, can't you seeAll of my dreams are all I wanna seeTry not to wake me, try not to wake meAll of my dreams are all I seeTry not to wake me, can't you seeAll of my dreams are all I wanna seeTry not to wake me, try not to wake meTrapped inside my own dreamsI'm not complainingLeave behind all I offer your kindHere we could disappearAll of my dreams are all I seeTry not to wake me, let me beAll of my dreams are all I seeTry not to wake me, can't you seeAll of my dreams are all I wanna seeTry not to wake me, try not to wake meAll of my dreams are all I seeTry not to wake me, can't you seeAll of my dreams are all I wanna seeTry not to wake me, try not to wake meTry not to wake me


Sep 16th @ 9:47pm EDT

hi my sweeties.Now flirting holds awards and I would be very happy if you would help me and vote for me. It is very important for me

What is dream?

Jul 13th @ 1:46am EDT

For me, a dream is a goal. It can be small or large. I believe that our dreams and thoughts are material. What much wish, think, think, will come to life. If really want it and strive for the goal. Each of us in chi1dhood dreamed about what he will become when he grows up. For someone, this dream has become the whole meaning of life. For example, a person dreamed of becoming an athlete, and since chi1dhood, he devoted his life to training, spent endless hours in the gym, practicing with a coach, fell, but rose again.Years passed and here - his first victories and medals. A sense of pride in themselves. Respect in the eyes of family and friends. And it's a wonderful feeling that you were able to achieve what you dreamed of. And it concerns not only athletes. This applies to all professions. After all, each of us has our own preferences, and therefore dreams. It's great when people get to be who they dreamed of. And how great when you wanted to visit a new city and after a time this dream comes true. You walk along the long-awaited streets, breathe in the air of this city and enjoy life and the feeling that the dream has come true. Everyone dreams of something different. Special thanks, I want to give people who help your cherished desire to come true. If such a person caught you on the path of life, it means that he sincerely loves and appreciates you. He is trying to make you happy by fulfilling your dream. Do not offend such people and sincerely appreciate. And it happens that you have one dream for two. And when it comes true, happiness is twice as much. Arguing over all of the above, I want to conclude that the dream can be identified some advantages and joyful moments.

just joke...may be :D

Oct 27th @ 5:40pm EDT

when god handed out brains ... I stood in line for boobs, but they ended! so I got an ass and adventure!

the winter is coming

Oct 26th @ 4:52pm EDT

hey guys! The winter is coming and getting too cold outside. when it snows I can disguise myself because I have a white jacket and im milky white) haha

My week

Aug 15th @ 7:23pm EDT

it was a very busy week! I had a shopping and a cool hangout with my friends! I burned while I cooked scrambled eggs and got a huge bruise on my ass! hehe

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